Douglas Fir
  • Not related to the true firs!
  • Long needled "fir" with blue/green foliage.
  • Found throughout the West, Pacific Northwest into Alaska, reaching heights form 70-250'. 
  • Very fast grower with very good needle retention.
  • Used for many lumber applications as well as Christmas Trees.

Bracted Balsam Fir
  • Looks like a Fraser Fir, but is a better tree.
  • Native to Sheet-Harbor Nova Scotia. which will reach heights of 45-75'.
  • Fast grower with very good needle retention.
  • Used for lumber.
Grand Fir
  • I think it is the most gorgeous tree.  Trouble is they are very hard to grow so quantities are limited.
  • Dark green needles on top, with 2 silver bands underneath.  Needles have a nice citrus odor when broken.
  • 1 of the tallest firs, reaching heights up to 300'.  Native to northern California, Montana & British Columbia.
  • ​Most often used as decorative wood.
Scotch Pine
  • Long-needled pine native to Eurasia that can grow to 125'.
  • Blue-green foliage with red wood.
  • Sturdy branches.
  • Excellent needle retention.
  • Very fast grower.
  • Used for Christmas Trees, landscaping & wood products.


Serbian Spruce
  • Tall, slender spruce with light blue needles with a silver/blue underside.
  • ​For the untrained eye, can look like a blue spruce, but needles are flat & soft to the touch.  has beautiful sweeping branches.
  • ​Native to Bosnia and Herzegovinia, reaching heights of 60-130'.
  • Moderate to fast growth rate.  Unsure about needle retention.

Our Trees & Extras

Amazing Wreaths & Ornaments

All of the wreaths & ornaments are made in New Milford.  In addition we offer Windswept hats, mugs & pint glasses too!!!!!!!

Concolor Fir
  • Long, light blue or dark blue needles, depending on seed source. 
  • Native to the West & Pacific Northwest.
  • Can reach heights of 130-150. 
  • Moderate growth rate.  Unsure about needle retention.
  • Used for lumber and wood working as well as landscape and Christmas trees.

Colorado Blue Spruce
  • Short, turquoise needles that are sharp to the touch.  Can also be blue/green.
  • Native to Colorado & Utah where it reaches heights of 75-115'.
  • Moderate growth rate & good needle retention.
  • Not good for lumber, used for Christmas & landscape trees & fence posts.